October 10, 2011

I've decided to write a book.

November is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. Every year I think about participating and every year I end up not doing it. This year I've decided to try it. The goal is to write a novel that is 50,000 words starting Nov. 1 and ending on midnight Nov. 30. That's roughly 1,667 words a day. Seems doable when it's broken down by day.

I've always wanted to be a writer. I wrote a lot in high school and for the first year of college. After that I just sort of slowly stopped writing. I considered NaNoWriMo last year but I just felt like I was too busy starting a new job and planning my wedding. What's my excuse this year? I don't have one. So I guess I'm going to do this. At the end of it I can cross something off of my bucket list even if I never get published.

Well I have 3 weeks to dwell on it until I can begin writing. I'm excited and nervous and anxious all at the same time.


  1. That's an awesome goal! I have never been much of a writer, so that seems like a really unrealistic goal for me, but I am super excited for you to do it! Have you thought about what you are going to write about?

  2. I've been thinking about doing NaNo too! Not sure what I want to write about. I had an idea at first but now I'm not so sure I want to do it. Guess I better get working on coming up with an idea!

  3. I have another friend that does this every Nov. (crazy girl is also in vet school I don't know how she does it!) good luck! I am not a writer just a reader :o)

  4. Oh wow! I don't think I could do it AND be in vet school. She's awesome. I don't think I could do it and have kids running around too. I don't know how parents do it.
